Corporate Social Responsibility Report ^
Pursuant to section 3-3c of the Norwegian Accounting Act, the Group has prepared this report of the Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility principles and practice.
At the date of this report, Arribatec’s business consists of sale and delivery of software, technology, services and solutions to a wide range of sectors. Arribatec is committed to be a good corporate citizen and demonstrate integrity and high ethical standards in all its business dealings.
Arribatec’s Board of Directors has implemented guidelines for Ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility. The purpose of these guidelines is to create a sound corporate culture and to preserve the integrity of Arribatec by helping employees to promote standards of good business practice. Arribatec’s guidelines on Ethical and Social Responsibilities applies to all employees of the Group and to anyone who holds a position of trust in the Group, including members of the boards and consultants acting on behalf of the Group.
The principles and standards provided therein aim to provide guidance to Arribatec’s people for a common platform and to support Arribatec’s vision, core values and principles. These guidelines are instrumental for Arribatec’s approach to human rights, fair working environment and equal rights, health and safety, environment, business ethics and anti-corruption.
The Group regularly reviews the guidelines and will continue its ongoing efforts to educate the organization on the prevailing standards and principles. Arribatec’s Ethical and Corporate Social Responsibility Guideline is publicly available on Arribatec’s website.
Human rights
Arribatec shall ensure that the company’s business conduct is being performed in a way that secures human rights as described in the UN’s universal “Declaration of Human Rights.” One of the main topics in the declaration describes the right to express one’s own convictions, opinions and concerns in good faith and without retaliation.
Working environment
The Group has business contacts of different nationalities and cultures and has built an international mindset for years. Employees are encouraged to treat each other and business contacts with respect and act according to local laws and regulations, as well as to pay attention to local values and norms for social conduct. The Group does not tolerate derogatory treatment of any employee. The Board of Directors and Management seeks to create a working environment that is pleasant, stimulating, safe and beneficial to all employees.
The Group’s working environment complies with applicable rules and regulations and the Board of Directors has not found reason to implement any special measures in this respect. Going forward, Arribatec commits to actively continue its work for a safe and nurturing working environment in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.
Equal rights
Arribatec does not accept discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, language, religion, legitimate political or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. The Group’s facilities are equally well equipped for females and males. The Company complies with Norwegian legal requirements with respect to gender representation in the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors will continue its efforts to ensure that the principle of equal treatment is carried out in accordance with the adopted policy. Both recruitment of new personnel and professional development for the Group’s existing employees will be based on qualifications, achievements and equal opportunities.
Health and Safety
Health and safety are indispensable components of all the Group’s activities. All hazards and risks to health and safety must be mitigated when identified. Generally, Arribatec’s business involves low risk in the day-to-day activities, without the use of chemicals, heavy machinery or equipment that can cause damage or injuries. Delivery of Arribatec’s services and solutions is sometimes done in cooperation with business partners, which all shall be of good reputation and standing.
The Group’s operations shall always be in accordance with applicable environmental legislation. Arribatec’s guidelines on Social and Corporate Responsibility provide that the Group shall always strive for improvements that may reduce its environmental impact. Arribatec does not own or operate manufacturing facilities. Arribatec seeks to limit its resource consumption, prevent unnecessary environmental pollution, including optimising transportation of goods, and manage waste in an environment-friendly and resource-efficient manner.
Business ethics & anti-corruption
The Group’s operations depend on the trust of contractual parties, authorities, shareholders, employees and society in general. In order to gain trust, the Group is dependent upon professionalism, expertise and high ethical standards in all aspects of the Group’s work. This applies to the way the Group operates and the conduct of everyone associated with the Group. All employees are expected to behave with care, integrity and professionalism and abstain from actions that may weaken confidence in the Group.
The Group’s Ethical Guidelines and Corporate Social Responsibility Guidelines contain guidelines on ethical behaviour in business relations and are applicable to all employees in the Group. These guidelines clearly state that Arribatec has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of corruption or bribery and encourages reporting of suspected misconduct.
The Group’s guidelines explicitly govern conflict of interests, gifts and money laundering. No employee may receive benefits for themselves or for others from the Group’s business contacts if such benefits are based on the employment relationship. Correspondingly, no one shall give such benefits to the Group’s business contacts. Business courtesies of modest value, conforming to normal social customs and not intended for influence, are not considered bribes.
All gifts with an estimated value of more than NOK 1,000 must be reported to the Group’s CFO, who will assess whether the relevant gift can be received on a case-by-case basis. Arribatec has to date not been accused of or involved in, any cases pertaining to any form of corruption or bribery. Arribatec encourages each employee to report on possible censurable incidents.
Arribatec’s employees have an obligation to report on criminal activity and on incidents that could endanger life or health. Raising awareness of Arribatec’s existing guidelines has been the Group’s main action with regard to business ethics and anti-corruption, and the Group will continue such work going forward. Neither the Board of Directors nor management are aware of any breach of the Group’s ethical code of conduct.
Latest financial news ^

Arribatec Q2 2024
Watch the stream on August 15th, when CEO of Arribatec Group, Geir Johansen, will present the financial results from the second quarter of 2024.

Arribatec Q1 2024
Watch the stream from April 30th, when CEO of Arribatec Group, Geir Johansen, presented the financial results from the first quarter of 2024.

Arribatec Q4 2023
Watch the stream from February 15th, when CEO of Arribatec Group, Geir Johansen, presented the financial results from the fourth quarter of 2023.