When we state that our global company also have local presence - we really mean it! This year we established an office in the world’s northernmost town, in the city centre of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Photo: Anja Charlotte Markussen
When we state that our global company also have local presence - we really mean it! This year we established an office in the world’s northernmost town, in the city centre of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Photo: Anja Charlotte Markussen

Arribatec in the Arctic

When we state that our global company also has a local presence, we mean it! This year we established an office in the world’s northernmost town, in the city centre of Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

An Arribatec office on the remote island
and home of the polar bear

Svalbard is a remote island close to the North Pole. A mere 1000km from the pole, 78 degrees north, you find a discreet Arribatec logo on display. Svalbard is the home and workplace of payroll consultant Liss Selnes and marketing lead Marie Husøy. Both of them chose the Arctic lifestyle while working at Arribatec.

When we state that our global company also have local presence - we really mean it! This year we established an office in the world’s northernmost town, in the city centre of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Photo: Anja Charlotte Markussen

REMOTE ISLAND: Svalbard has much to offer, from cosy-town vibes and urban gastronomy to majestic glaciers and incredible wildlife. Photos: Marie Husøy

Local presence on the edge of the world

In the vast expanse of the Arctic, amidst the mighty landscapes and biting cold, a new Arribatec office was opened at the start of 2023. As a globally renowned tech and consulting provider with 17 offices around the globe, it can be a bit surprising that this multinational company has a presence in one of the most remote villages on the planet.

But it’s not totally random. Some of the largest companies in Svalbard, such as The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), as well as Store Norske, the governmentally owned company handling mining, property, logistics, and energy in Longyearbyen, are both clients of Arribatec.

When we state that our global company also have local presence - we really mean it! This year we established an office in the world’s northernmost town, in the city centre of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Photo: Anja Charlotte Markussen

CLOSE TO CLIENTS: In the right corner, you can spot the building of a client, UNIS.

In fact, Liss used to work at UNIS as a payroll consultant, specialising in Unit4 HR & Payroll and worked closely with Arribatec employees over the years. Liss has lived in Longyearbyen for 24 years, started at Store Norske, worked there for 17 years, one year in Oslo with Unit4, and then at UNIS for six years. When the opportunity to work at Arribatec from Svalbard arose, she jumped a leap.

“Working from Svalbard provides great flexibility, and my leaders have really managed to make it work by setting up a small office here. At the start, I worked from home, but it’s great to have an actual office and display our company name to everyone living or visiting Longyearbyen.” Liss says.

Marie adds that although Svalbard is very isolated on the map, it’s the centre for world politics, climate change, culture and research. “It is fascinating and educational to live here. I think we have the most eventful local newspaper in Norway,” she says.

This strategic endeavour exemplifies Arribatec’s commitment to maintaining a global reach while cultivating a local presence, even in the most remote and challenging corners of the world. We have a range of smaller “unofficial” (1-3 employees) offices in addition to our 17 main offices.

Embracing the Arctic lifestyle

Life on Svalbard, the archipelago distinguished by its breathtaking glaciers and formidable polar bears, offers a distinct contrast to the urban landscapes traditionally associated with the tech and consulting industry.

When we state that our global company also have local presence - we really mean it! This year we established an office in the world’s northernmost town, in the city centre of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Photo: Anja Charlotte Markussen

ARCTIC LIFESTYLE: Marie Husøy is the marketing lead for Arribatec Group. Here she is exploring Magdalenefjorden, northwest of the archipelago, in June.

Here, the ladies thrive amidst the rugged Arctic lifestyle and raw nature. The company embraces the benefits afforded by working remotely, such as employee motivation, autonomy and flexibility. Both of them regularly visit the headquarters in Oslo to collaborate with colleagues, be social and participate in the Arribatec culture.

Marie has lived in Longyearbyen for three years and is not planning to move down to the mainland in the nearest future.

“Being able to live and work from Svalbard is absolutely fantastic! Most of my work is done over the Internet, and our marketing team is spread across four countries, so we would have to meet over Teams anyway,” she says.

“And the lunch breaks up here are one-of-a-kind, like swimming in -20C or jumping on my snowmobile to enjoy my mid-day coffee from a mountain top. Those experiences are hard to match other places. I am very thankful for the opportunity and trust Arribatec has given us to work from such a location,” she continues.

When we state that our global company also have local presence - we really mean it! This year we established an office in the world’s northernmost town, in the city centre of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Photo: Anja Charlotte Markussen

OFFICE TIME: Liss in the newly opened Svalbard office.

Even if the office radiates simplicity, it’s just what Liss needs to get the job done. She has a varied everyday life with her family and appreciates the flexibility of being able to work from the office, her home, our headquarters in Oslo or even from her cabin when needed.

“A flexible workspace works best for me. Being able to occasionally work from my cabin in Reveneset while watching whales, boats, and even polar bears pass by provides me with the peace and motivation to do well at work. Work-life balance is key.”

When we state that our global company also have local presence - we really mean it! This year we established an office in the world’s northernmost town, in the city centre of Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Photo: Anja Charlotte Markussen

NORTHERN MOST: The world map where Svalbard is marked in red with an ‘A’.

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